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Fortinet Founders Chair of the Department of Electrical Engineering , Yahoo! Founders Professor in the School of Engineering and Professor of Computer Science
Mark Horowitz
Fortinet Founders Chair of the Department of Electrical Engineering , Yahoo! Founders Professor in the School of Engineering and Professor of Computer Science
Mark Horowitz is the Fortinet Founders Chair of Electrical Engineering and the Yahoo! Founders Professor in the School of Engineering. He co-founded Rambus, Inc. in 1990 and is a fellow of the IEEE and the ACM and a member of the National Academy of Engineering and the American Academy of Arts and Science. Dr. Horowitz's research interests are quite broad and span using EE and CS analysis methods to problems in molecular biology to creating new design methodologies for analog and digital VLSI circuits. From 2018-2020 he lead the NAS study on the feasibility and timeline of quantum computers.
PhD, Stanford University (1984)
MS, MIT (1978)
BS, MIT (1978)
(650) 725-3707
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