Q-FARM Newsletter, Issue 11
Happy 2024 Q-FARM Enthusiasts!
As we make strides into a new year – and quarter! – I elected to share a summary of recent news. Please visit Q-FARM.Stanford.edu/news or click the article links below.
- Stephen Shenker and Leonard Susskind were awarded the 2023 Dirac Medal postdoc
- Melissa Guidry awarded the Boeing Quantum Creators Prize
- Jon Simon elected Fellow of the American Physical Society
- Honorable Mention Award at International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)
- Harnessing ‘quantum weirdness'
- Demonstrating ‘quantum eraser’
- The Future of quantum mechanics: Unraveling entanglement's secrets
- Quantum Squeezing to improve Quantum Sensors
- Quest to Build Space-Time Out of Quantum Particles
- The surprising quantum behavior of a “time crystal”
- Unusual magnetotransport in twisted bilayer graphene
And More
- Spotlight Ani Krishna
- Keynote at CERN’s Terrestrial Very-Long-Baseline Atom Interferometry Workshop
- 2024 Bloch Fellowship invites applications
- QSSG results
Consider joining us for a weekly seminar (and lunch!) on Wednesdays from 11:30AM-1:00PM in PAB 102-103. We continue to have engaging speakers, topics, and conversations. Our past seminars are always available on our YT channel, @qfarmstanford.
Last, but certainly not least, please join me in a fond farewell to Nilendri Senanayake! She has handed over the reins to Junna Gui as Q-FARM Program Manager. Welcome Junna and best wishes to Nilendri!
Do you have an idea or suggestion? We’d love to hear it! Please connect with us at qfarm-contact@stanford.edu, or drop by my office in Varian!
Jonathan Simon
Director, Q-FARM