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Thermalization and Quantum Information Workshop

Event Details:

Wednesday, October 23, 2024 - Friday, October 25, 2024


AllenX Building
Stanford, CA 94305
United States

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Q-Farm is hosting a workshop on Thermalization and Quantum Information, organized by Shreya Vardhan and Jinzhao Wang. The goal is to bring together researchers working on chaos and thermalization using tools from many-body physics and holography with those who have worked on related recent developments in quantum information and complexity theory. The talks and discussion sessions will aim to address the following broad themes from a variety of different perspectives: 

  • Entanglement dynamics and advances in entanglement theory
  • Microscopic mechanism for thermalization
  • Thermalization, complexity, and random ensembles

Book of Abstracts: Click Here

Poster Presenters: Charlie Stahl [Stanford], David Long [Stanford], Diandian Wang [Harvard], Jiuci Xu [UCSB], Shengqi Sang [Stanford]

TimeOctober 23Time October 24October 25
8:30 - 8:55Breakfast and check-in9:00 - 9:30Breakfast Breakfast 
8:55 - 9:00Welcome remarks   
9:00 - 10:00Sagar Vijay09:30 - 10:30Mark MezeiAlexander Altland
10:00-11:00Ludovico Lami10:30 - 11:00Coffee Break Coffee Break
11:00-12:00Lunch 11:00-12:00Tomaz Prosen Fermi Ma
12:00 - 1:00

Q-Farm Seminar (Hewlett 201): 

Manuel Endres 

12:00-1:00Tamra Nebabu Jonas Haferkamp
1:15 - 2:15Ewin Tang1:00 - 2:00 Lunch Lunch
2:15 - 3:15Soonwon Choi2:00 - 3:00Luca DelacretazRobert Huang
3:15 - 3:45

Coffee Break

and Poster Session

3:00 - 4:00Anthony ChenMatteo Ippoliti
3:45 - 4:45Ehud Altman 4:00 - 4:30Coffee Break and Poster Session Coffee Break 
4:45 - 5:45

Panel Discussion


Vedika Khemani  

Panelists: Speakers of the day


Panel Discussion

Moderator: Xiaoliang Qi  

Panelists: Speakers of the day

Panel Discussion


Douglas Stanford  

Panelists: Speakers of the day, Adam Bouland


Wednesday, October 23, 2024

  • -

    Entanglement dynamics and advances in entanglement theory

    8:55 amWelcome Remarks 
    9:00 am

    Topological Entanglement Negativity in a High-Temperature Mixed State

    Sagar Vijay, UCSB

    10:00 am

    A solution of the generalised quantum Stein’s lemma

    Ludovico Lami, University of Amsterdam

    11:00 amLunch 
    12:00 pm

    Q-Farm Seminar: Quantum Science with Tweezer Arrays at Hewlett 201

    Manuel Endres, Caltech

    1:15 pmHigh-temperature Gibbs states are unentangled and efficiently preparable
    Ewin Tang, UC Berkeley
    2:15 pm

    Proving Quantum Thermalization of Translation-Invariant Systems at High Temperature

    Soonwon Choi, MIT

    3:15 pmCoffee Break & Poster Session 
    3:45 pm

    Probing measurement induced entanglement without post-selection

    Ehud Altman, UC Berkeley

    4:45 pm

    Panel Discussion

    Chair: Vedika Khemani, Panelists: Speakers of the day

    5:45 pmAdjourn 

Thursday, October 24, 2024

  • -

    Microscopic mechanism for thermalization

    9:30 am

    Fluctuating hydrodynamics for the SYK chain

    Mark Mezei, Oxford University

    10:30 amCoffee Break
    11:00 am

    Quantum many-body Ruelle resonances: A case study in East circuits

    Tomaz Prosen, University of Slovenia

    12:00 pm

    Hydrodynamics from a Geometric Perspective

    Tamra Nebabu, Stanford

    1:00 pmLunch
    2:00 pm

    Planckian bound from hydrodynamic EFT

    Luca Delacretaz, University of Chicago

    3:00 pm

    Quantum Gibbs sampling

    Anthony Chen, Caltech

    4:00 pmCoffee Break & Poster Session
    4:30 pm

    Panel Discussion

    Chair: Xiaoliang Qi, Panelists: Speakers of the day

    5:30 pmAdjourn

Friday, October 25, 2024

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    Thermalization, complexity, and random ensembles

    9:30 am

    Late time quantum chaos in low-dimensional gravity

    Alexander Altland, University of Cologne

    10:30 amCoffee Break
    11:00 am

    Pseudorandom unitaries and compressed purifications

    Fermi Ma, UC Berkeley

    12:00 pm

    Incompressibility and spectral gaps of random circuits

    Jonas Haferkamp, Harvard

    1:00 pmLunch
    2:00 pm

    Random unitaries in extremely low depth

    Robert Huang, Caltech

    3:00 pm

    (Pseudo)randomness and quantum thermalization

    Matteo Ippoliti, University of Texas, Austin

    4:00 pmCoffee Break & Poster Session
    4:30 pm

    Panel Discussion

    Chair: Douglas Stanford, Panelists: Speakers of the day and Adam Bouland

    5:30 pmClosing Remarks & Adjourn

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