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Autumn Quarter Quantum Science and Engineering Courses

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Akasha Hayden, BS 2023
Akasha Hayden, BS Electrical Engineering, 2023

I loved the opportunity to take this class.

PHYSICS 14N: "Monika consistently made the material engaging with live demonstrations and active class participation. I took this class my freshman spring, and it was phenomenal to be able to get an introduction to quantum information theory so early in my undergraduate career. It honestly set me up to be able to approach topics in quantum from a better angle since I already had an introduction to many of the topics. She even gave us an opportunity to talk with people who work in industry. Taking this class was truly an invaluable experience." 


classroom view, notes on laptop
Physics 14N Course Description

Quantum Information: Visions and Emerging Technologies is a freshman seminar taught by Physics Prof. Monika Schleier-Smith.

What sets quantum information apart from its classical counterpart is that it can be encoded non-locally, woven into correlations among multiple qubits in a phenomenon known as entanglement. The course discuss paradigms for harnessing entanglement to solve hitherto intractable computational problems or to push the precision of sensors to their fundamental quantum mechanical limits. The course also examines challenges that physicists and engineers are tackling in the laboratory today to enable the quantum technologies of the future.

Autumn Quarter Quantum Science and Engineering Courses

Quantum science and engineering courses at Stanford are available from a number of departments. We have created this list as a starting point for students to research and consider courses that align with their interests in quantum. Conversations with your faculty advisor and peer advisors are tremendously beneficial when considering courses and research interests.

Course Number: Course Name: Instructor(s)  
APPPHYS 203Atoms, Fields and PhotonsSafavi-Naeini; Simon
CHEM 173Physical Chemistry IIFayer
CHEM 271Advanced Physical ChemistryFayer
CHEMENG 300Applied Mathematics in the Chemical and Biological Sciences (CME 330)Shaqfeh
CME 309Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis (CS 265)Wootters
CS 154Introduction to the Theory of ComputationReingold
EE 216Principles and Models of Semiconductor DevicesPop
EE 222Applied Quantum Mechanics IChoi
EE 247Introduction to Optical Fiber CommunicationsKahn
EE 336NanophotonicsBrongersma; Fan
MATSCI 331Computational Materials Science at the Atomic ScaleSendek
MATSCI 405Quantum Field Theory (QFT) for Engineering Applications (ME 403)Prinz
PHYSICS 13NA Taste of Quantum Physics (APPPHYS 13N)Lev
PHYSICS 134/234Advanced Topics in Quantum MechanicsStanford
PHYSICS 330Quantum Field Theory IMistlberger
PHYSICS 70Foundations of Modern PhysicsChu
PHYSICS 111Partial Differential Equations of Mathematical PhysicsFriedland
PHYSICS 170Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory, and Statistical Mechanics IFeldman
PHYSICS 240Introduction to the Physics of EnergyLaughlin

Course number and name can change. Check Stanford Bulletin ExploreCourses for details.